Tuesday, June 17, 2008

gakken centipede robot is one creepy crawler.........b drumstruck!!!

here’s just something about anything with more than four legs crawling around that gives most people the willies. This centipede robot kit will have those folks heading for the hills. Gakken Mechamo Centipede Robot
The Gakken Mechamo centipede robot measures in at about a foot long, and runs on batteries. When fully assembled, the arthropod robot has thirty-two legs that move along in a ripple of motion, much like a real centipede. Unlike a real centipede, this thing makes quite the racket as it ambles across the floor, with tons of little metal legs tapping on the floor as it goes

It even comes with a wireless remote control, so you can have it sneak up on unsuspecting family members and scare the bejeezus out of them. This is a build-it-yourself undertaking here, with lots of parts, and decent amount of work to put together. There’s a detailed review which explains what’s involved in assembling one over at Dan’s Data.

The Mechamo centipede robot is available for $99.95 from Carl’s Electronics. Be sure to grab the English language parts list and instructions, or you’ll be thoroughly baffled when you try to assemble it.

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